Saturday 16 June 2012

Home baked goodness

There are alien-shaped forms that may grow inside our kitchens, unbeknown to us: they possibly are doughs of bread, we aren't used anymore to see as part of our domestic world. Making bread is one of the most dear legacies my grandmother has left me (amongst many others): bread is caressing the blond head of hair of the earth throughout the crops. Bread is kneading your hands into a living substance, due to the brewer's yeasts, that  makes you feel relaxed, because your energies flow inside the pastry: you do not buy the ingredients, you MAKE from raw materials a refined entertainment for your eyes and appetite. Bread is above all the way in which I deal with all the ancient memories my grandmothers constantly delivers me without uttering a word.

Durum wheat flouer (1kg), 
tepid water (500ml), 
a generous pinch of salt, 
extra-virgin olive oil (2 tbs),
 1 cube of brewer's yeasts,
work with ELBOW GREASE onto a wooden board,
produce cuts on the dough you
wish to turn into bread,
while leave the others untouched,
let it rise for approximately 1 hour under a woolen cloth.

Spinach battle spaceship: remove the bowl and cover
with a second rolled out disk of pastry. 
Dress the spinach leaves with extra-virtgin olive oil (20 ml or more),
a pinch of salt and hot chili.

Spinach pie (the so-called "scaccia", a Sicilian focaccia),
but you can stuff it with finely chopped broccoli as well
or potatoes, onion & cheese.

Amber brown and tremendously tasty:
looks like a bird feeding a starving chick

Pies in their golden majesty


  1. La torta agli spinaci deve essere veramente buona. Mi ricorda un misto tra il crescione romagnolo e l'erbazzone modenese, ma naturalmente questo è molto più originale e sicuramente molto più buono!
    I miei omaggi, divin Marchese!

  2. Credo il crescione e la piadina abbiano la medesima dignità di questa ricetta Ragusana (che non esito a confermare sia ottima). Il concetto è assai simile: tanto che pita, piada e pizza condividono la medesima radice. L'originalità di molti prodotti dipende dal fatto che siano poco conosciuti. La Romagna ha fatto molta pubblicità alla propria gastronomia ed a ragione. Un giorno devo cimentarmi a proporvi la piadina fatta da me e vedere che giudizio inflessibile ne darete! :D
