Tuesday 19 June 2012

Broth against stock (and change)

Since I was a child, I enormously appreciated the calming and warming up effect of the broth. Nowadays society pushed us believe that rushing is a natural upshot of a modern and dynamic approach to life. I still look with suspicion to such a life-style, because it is unnatural. Depriving a person of her/his time means stealing that unique good she/he won't be able to reproduce once it has elapsed: money, in fact, is always a metre for prizes not for values. I regard artificial stock cubes as a synthesis of this philosophy and curiously enough it shares the name with the exchange market: industrial stock is something not just disgusting, but frankly deceptive and unhealthy. The idea is that of saving time, but the quality of it becomes worse and unwillingly salty.

For a vegetarian (preferably organic) broth put down a carrot, a medium potato and an onion into cold water, and when it shall start boiling add a rib of celery, a tomato (and if you wish 1/4 of a courgette). Here are four serving ideas: tortellini, little surprises, passatelli and crespelle (very similar to crêpes, but I'm going to tackle this last recipe in the following post).

Tortellini: Venus' belly button

Litte suprises: a format of egg pasta
flavoured with nutmeg

Steaming in the light

Passatelli: they look creepy they act properly

Broth takes only one hour: prepare it the night before, so cooling down all the veggies will release their flavour in a better way. Add salt and pepper according to your personal preference.

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